August 21, 2006

How do I know that Jesus is God?

Once a man jumped up and down on my doorstep with his fists clenched shouting, “Jesus is not God. Jesus is not God.” I didn’t know why this was a hot issue for him, but he was definitely not pleased at me saying that Jesus is God the Son.

Later I realized that knowing the identity of Jesus Christ is not a matter of being told or even reading about it. It is a ‘revealed’ thing.

The Bible says, “When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, ‘Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?’ So they said, ‘Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered and said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.’” (Matthew 16:13-17, NKJV)

God the Father revealed to Simon Peter that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. How did He do it? My husband often says, “Well, He doesn’t leave a note on the night stand.”

We see evidence of God in creation (“the heavens declare the glory of God”), and declared plainly in His Word. Hebrews 1:1-2 also says, “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son . . . “ We see God in Jesus, in His works and even in His people. But how?

One of my commentaries explains that God’s revelation “is a matter not of imparting new information but of enlightening previously darkened minds to discern divinity through sensing its unique impact—the impact in the one case of the Jesus of the gospel, and in the other case of the words of Holy Scripture. The Spirit shines in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God not only in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6) but also in the teaching of Holy Scripture. The result of this witness is a state of mind in which both the Savior and the Scriptures have evidenced themselves to us as divine—Jesus, a divine person; Scripture, a divine product—in a way as direct, immediate, and arresting as that in which tastes and colors evidence themselves by forcing themselves on our senses. In consequence, we no longer find it possible to doubt the divinity of either Christ or the Bible.”

The part that grabs me in this definition is that once God reveals this, there is no more doubt about Christ’s identity. I know who He is, and I know Him as my Lord and Savior, and this is a fixed thing, something I cannot walk away from nor ignore.

I’ve heard people say, “My, aren’t you a privileged person to have God reveal this to you.” That is true, but it does not make me proud. As soon as I saw the Light of the World, I also saw my own sinful condition. I don’t deserve knowing God. I’ve offended Him, sinned against Him. His revelation of Himself in Christ is a mercy and a grace, not a prize or a privilege. This revelation humbles me and makes me want to serve Him for as long as I live.


Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Elsie and all,

What if you found out you had been deceived? Read 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and ponder why this message is directed at Christians. The number 11 symbolizes truth and justice, as do the Two Candlesticks and Two Witnesses in Revelation 11. Reread Isaiah 11:2-3 again. Notice the emphasis on a "spirit" of understanding? Now look at the Doctrine of Two Spirits on my home page and read the Chapter Summary for Chapter 4 of the same title.

I pose to you and others that the context and meaning of these ancient texts have been lost on those confused by the assertions of religious leaders and founders. Ancient wisdom has been purposely recast and obfuscated into religion and mysticism. Consequently, the interpretations presented about the sources and meaning of these texts and the philosophy and cosmology of ancient Hebrew sages is completely wrong. Before you scoff and write me off, you should understand that I speak from personal experience...

Understanding the Fatal Flaws in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Prophecy

Remember the saying that "the truth will set you (and others) free?" How does "opening one's eyes to the truth" relate to "making the blind see again" or "shining the light" or "illuminating a subject?" Notice the inherent symbolism associated with this supposed New Testament "miracle?"

As certain world leaders strive to instigate a fabricated "battle of Armageddon," it is vital to understand and spread the truth about these ancient texts to help bring about an end to such abominable evil. You can never expect philosophies based on lies and great error to lead to peace and harmony. How many more millennia of terrible proof is necessary before humanity finally gets a clue that most have been utterly deceived by the very concept of religion.

Without it, Bush, the Neo-Cons, and their cohorts could never have gained and retained political power by manipulating an already deluded and susceptible constituency. Likewise, their thinly veiled partners in crime, Bin Laden and his ilk, could never have succeeded in their roles in this centuries-old Vatican-led grand deception.

We are all trapped by a web of deception formed by money, religion, and politics. The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease until humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions, and forges a new path to the future.

Here is Wisdom...


Elsie Montgomery said...

While your comments are interesting, 2 Thes. 2:11 informs Christians about what will happen to those who are deceived, but it is not directed to believers. It refers to those who "did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

God knows those who are His. Jesus said, "I know My sheep and am known by My own." I don't measure my faith by what others do who claim to have faith. I measure it by the Word of God and the promises of Jesus Christ.

As for the future, no one knows how it will unfold, but I do know the ending: Jesus wins!