March 10, 2006

Think first, even if I'm right!

“I pondered them in my mind . . . .” (Nehemiah 5:7 NIV)

The Old Testament people of God were taking advantage of one another. Some brought their complaints to Nehemiah, a leader who was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after Cyrus, king of Persia, allowed the Jews to return home. (They had been exiled to Persia many years earlier.)

Nehemiah knew some of them were breaking God’s laws. They were selling one another into slavery and seeking profit at the expense of their fellow Jews. Although Nehemiah was angry (verse 6), he did not explode. He ‘pondered’ the situation before acting.

Oswald Chambers says pondering or meditation is getting to the middle of things, the heart of the matter. In this case, Nehemiah took time and did the work of thinking before he acted. Anyone can ponder or meditate, however, those who believe in God will include principles from Him in their thinking, as Nehemiah did. How does this situation compare to what the Bible says? What does God have to say about it?

Yesterday God showed me not to let my fears or human reasoning determine whether I should go or stay, but wait to hear from Him. (I went, because He so directed.) First find out what He wants. Today He is telling me not to let my emotions rule what I do, even if my emotions are in line with His Word, as Nehemiah’s were. Instead, stop and think about it. Get the whole picture. Be driven by careful meditation and a full understanding of the situation, not a gut reaction.

I’ve no particular situation to apply this to — but the day is young!

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